In a different light
a new light - a both/and systems view of evolutionary history
Since ancient times, we have been storytellers. In response to our fundamental need to belong, we have crafted narratives that reflect our place of belonging within the current understanding of the nature of Reality and how the world was formed. Our Stories of Belonging foster a deep sense of connection because they shine a light on who we are, why we are here, and how we are to live. With connection, we feel at home in our world. Currently, Western societies lack a cohesive Story of Belonging. It is time to remake our world from the inside . . . out.
Is there a different light?
Is there a different light to explore a new Western cultural Story of Belonging? Yes, there is! The new light is that everyone and everything participates in Life’s evolutionary dance of being and becoming. This dance is set within a science-based systems view of evolutionary history, where each life form is both unique in its own right and also intrinsically connected and responsive to the healthy functioning of the whole. This both/and approach fosters a grounding principle of unity with diversity.
A new gateway - a both/and approach to the nature of Reality
In contrast to the either/or mechanistic view of evolutionary history that influenced our previous Story of Belonging, where separateness, competition, domination, and the survival of the fittest reigned supreme, a both/and systems view of evolutionary history fosters values of participation, cooperation, and working together for the common good. And yet, individual uniqueness is not sacrificed but rather welcomed and required for the greater whole to flourish.
The new light of a systems view of evolutionary history can shift the Western cultural mindset away from individualism, toward interconnectedness. Such a shift in mindset will foster
a new cultural identity, purpose, and values that will naturally flow into a new way of acting in our world.
Within a different light of interconnectedness and unity with diversity, we will naturally seek the flourishing of all life. We will remake our world from the inside . . .out.