Contemplating an image
deep listening
The intention of contemplative self-enquiry is to discern inner wisdom’s stirrings toward authentic self-knowledge. One way of engaging in contemplative self-inquiry is through contemplating an image. The steps of the process are not linear in intent. Rather, each step leads toward a deepening of the experience of listening for inner wisdom’s stirrings.
Contemplating an image
Spend a few moments stilling yourself and becoming aware of the presence of the gentling light of lovingkindness, in whatever way is appropriate for you.
Choose a picture that either draws or repels you.
Look at the picture. What do you see?
Record the shapes, colours, textures, and objects you first notice.Look again, what else (or more) do you see?
What do you notice happening within you?
What is your affective/felt experience: what emotions, bodily sensations, or questions/thoughts are evoked?Can you name one predominant felt experience?
Momentarily hold your present moment felt experience within the gentling light of lovingkindness, without seeking to deny/resist/change the experience.What may inner wisdom be inviting you to see or see afresh through this experience?
Some open ended questions which may be helpful to pose:
“I wonder why my body responded in this way?”
“Is this sensation or emotion tapping into a particular area of my life?”
“If this sensation or emotion had a voice, what might it convey to me?”Is there any insight arising for you?
Are you being invited to stay, move, change, grow. . .?Return your awareness to the picture
What else do you see?
What further responses are evoked?
What more might inner wisdom be inviting you to see?Close your time of contemplation by simply resting in Stillness for a few moments.