When does a cultural mindset shift?
when conditions are sufficient
Humankind is resilient. We can and do accommodate change. According to biologist, the late Mary E. Clarke, an innate quality of human nature is that of adapting to new ways of living in the world. We accommodate change in our outer world via a transformation of our inner landscape, our shared identity, purpose, and values.
Even though accommodation is an innate human quality, how do we transform our inner landscape, and in turn, shift the cultural mindset? It is imperative to realise that we can neither force, control, nor manipulate the transformative process toward a predetermined destination. Why? Because transformation is a dynamic process that weaves its way into the very core of our collective psyche - when conditions are sufficient.
When conditions are sufficient
What does the term conditions are sufficient mean? Conditions are sufficient here refers to a historical time when both the outer world and inner landscape of a society are in flux. At such times, a transformative dynamic kicks in and commences its work. Duane Elgin named this transformative dynamic in terms of “push/pull” (Choosing Earth).
The push/pull dynamic
The push dynamic disrupts a stance of business as usual by thrusting us out of a once-viable cultural mindset, much in the way an eagle launches its young out of the nest so they can learn to fly. The pull dynamic draws us toward a new mindset.
If there was simply the push dynamic, we would be thrust out of a once-viable cultural mindset, cast adrift on a sea of meaninglessness. Equally, if there were simply the pull dynamic without the push, most of us would not even bother to take the required leap. Therefore, it is both the push away from and the pull toward, that creates a readiness within a culture to adapt to and adopt a new mindset.
Western societies are currently experiencing the push/pull transformative dynamic.