Walking the land: contemplatively exploring our inner landscape, discovering and integrating our shadow-side, towards being the change we want to see in the world


Is western culture currently experiencing a symbolic knock at the door, calling forth deep structural change to the way we live together? If so, it will take more than a tinkering at the edges. It will take a transformation of the deeply held assumptions which orientate our personal and collective way of being-in-the-world.  How can we each participate in such a transformation? We can participate through engaging in the life affirming practice of personal and collective shadow-side integration. Shadow-side integration involves a process which, firstly, brings to light the deeply held assumptions which shape our current view of ourselves-in-the-world, and secondly, enables us to transform assumptions which have now become untenable. In this way, shadow-side integration is a process of transforming our way of being-in-the-world, from the inside . . . out.


the what, why, and how of shifting the cultural mindset


The gentle art of conscious grieving