
an attitude of rational curiosity

The following resources are written within the discipline of spiritual practice education. They track some of the insights and understandings I have gained as I have continued to engage in the sacred work of being human. The resources are offered for readers to reflect upon within the light of their belief system.

— Kaye Twining

Resource Kaye Resource Kaye

Finding our way home

Who am I? Why am I here? How am I to live? These questions are driven by our intrinsic longing to belong. While the longing to belong is a constant, our inner home of belonging is not. Over our lifetime we may experience numerous homes. If that is the case, how do we find our way home again and again? The dance of being and becoming guides our way.

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Resource Kaye Resource Kaye

the what, why, and how of shifting the cultural mindset

We are living in turbulent times. The winds of change are squalling, within, among, and beyond - causing unrest within many individuals, societies, and planet Earth. It is like a perfect storm is being generated regarding global social, economic, and climate conditions. In response, our world is crying out for profound change in the cultural structures that underpin the way we live within and act upon our world. Profound change in our way of living will be driven by a shift in our cultural mindset. Therefore, the call is for change from the inside . . . out. In response, this paper outlines the what, why, and how of shifting the cultural mindset.

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